EK and EKT: Teamwork in pipe­line construction


To install underground services, an EK 150 chain cutter and an EKT 220 rotary drum cutter are used for low-vibration removal of solid dolomite rock.

At a project to demolish and re-construct the Ludwig-Uhland-Halle in Gärtringen (Baden-Württemberg, Germany), the company Peter Gross Bau was awarded the contract for the complete renewal of the pipeline layout in order to integrate the future building into the municipal infrastructure. Included in the tender was the low-vibration removal of around 3,000 m³ of dolomite rock. Using unconventional equipment – a 35-tonne excavator with a KEMROC EK 150 chain cutter and a 75-tonne excavator with a KEMROC EKT 220 drum cutter – the project was almost fully completed by the winter break …